Wednesday, December 28, 2022

WIP Wednesday - Clan Companions: Matthew


A peek into Kom's childhood

Matt snickered at Kom’s obvious humiliation. He couldn’t resist teasing the scarred warrior. “Poor widdle guy. Mommy and daddies won’t let him be a big man who’s all grown up.”

Kom narrowed his eyes at him and softly growled.

“The doting parents,” Avir chuckled. “Kom was accident-prone as a child. I’m betting it’s the reason they behave the way they do.”

“Were you?” Matt knelt on the lounger next to Kom, who’d sprawled as if he’d been wrecked there.

“I believed in taking every opportunity life offered to explore and try stuff out. Safety was never a concern.”

“That’s how he got my attention.” Avir grinned at Kom. “I was seventeen, I think, when my parents gave a party for local business executives to forge professional relationships. The event was on the beach. I saw this wild Nobek boy running everywhere, one or two of his parents constantly giving chase. He climbed dunes and rocks, ran into the surf and swam for open ocean, crawled under the caterers’ tables, and dug holes several guests stepped in. A couple fell. You were nonstop, my Nobek.”

“I was only twelve,” Kom chuckled. “It was my last home visit prior to puberty, when I became too temperamental to leave training camp until the hormones calmed down.”

“I’d never noticed anyone so full of life and determination to have fun,” Avir told Matt. “You wouldn’t expect a kid in his teens to be vetting eventual clanmates. I was determined to learn what sort of man Kom would grow up to be after I saw him carrying on. I kept a close watch on him as my potential Nobek as he got older.”


Releasing early 2023

His past demons have returned, and only a Kalquorian clan can save him.

Matthew Larsen should be happy. Reunited with the Nobek he fell in love with years ago, welcomed into a clan determined to give him a better life, he has everything he never imagined possible. However, he’s haunted by the hellish past and certainty it will reclaim him.

Nobek Kom spent years searching for Matt. Their reunion and his clanmates’ acceptance of the troubled Earther seemed to be all that stood in the way of the perfect future. His Earther love isn’t so easily rescued, however. Even a warrior can’t protect someone against his nightmares.

Dramok Avir and Imdiko Masok are devoted to the beautiful Earther Kom brought home. Loving such a gentle soul isn’t a problem. Saving him from monsters, real and imagined, is another matter when Matt’s worst fears come true and the terrors of the past rise once again to drag him into the abyss. 


Wednesday, December 21, 2022

WIP Wednesday - Clan Companions: Matthew


Nudist Nobek. Shorter-than-average Earther. Awkward parent encounter.

Matt and the clan had returned to the common room. The clan switched their computers off. They were beginning to discuss what to have for lunch when the apartment’s door announce went off. Kom went to answer it, since no one was expected.

Voices rose from the greeting room. Avir chuckled. “So much for them waiting a couple of days while we get you settled.”

“Who is it?” Matt asked.

“Kom’s parents. You’ve spoken to them, haven’t you?”

“A couple of times. We haven’t met face to face though.” He wished he could return to his suite. Kom’s parent clan had been nice over the com, but how would they be in person?

Something else occurred to him. “Kom’s naked.” As usual.

Masok snickered as he rose from his seat next to Matt and pulled him to his feet. “They’re used to it. He refused to wear clothes from the start. As a toddler, he’d turn blue from cold rather than be wrapped up in a blanket.”

Avir sniffed as they headed down the impossibly long hall. “They brought lunch, so that’s solved.”

The voices no longer came from the greeting room, and the trio veered to the dining room. Matt wanted to enter behind the men, to stay hidden as long as possible. Masok prodded him ahead, insisting he to in first.

Kom was on the other side of the table with four elder Kalquorians. He was the very image of his Nobek father, Satuv, but for the graying hair and clothes. Imdiko Ogso was an impeccably dressed, earnest-looking man. The oldest member, Dramok Barnur, had a weathered but kind face. Matara Jomsas had broad, cheerful features, framed by curly elbow-length hair.

They beamed at Matt. Jomsas fairly flew around the table to grasp his shoulders and declare, “Welcome to Kalquor, Matt. Ancestors, look at you. You’re so tiny! And far cuter in person. How do you avoid being trampled?”

“Mother,” Kom sighed. He flushed in embarrassment.

“I know, I know, but I want to put him behind a containment barrier so no one steps on him. Am I being rude, Matt? Or hurting your feelings? I’m sorry if I am.”

He was overwhelmed by her exuberance, but her delight warmed him and quelled his hesitation. “It’s wonderful to finally meet you in person, Matara Jomsas. Don’t worry; I’m used to scurrying around people’s ankles.”


Releasing early 2023

His past demons have returned, and only a Kalquorian clan can save him.

Matthew Larsen should be happy. Reunited with the Nobek he fell in love with years ago, welcomed into a clan determined to give him a better life, he has everything he never imagined possible. However, he’s haunted by the hellish past and certainty it will reclaim him.

Nobek Kom spent years searching for Matt. Their reunion and his clanmates’ acceptance of the troubled Earther seemed to be all that stood in the way of the perfect future. His Earther love isn’t so easily rescued, however. Even a warrior can’t protect someone against his nightmares.

Dramok Avir and Imdiko Masok are devoted to the beautiful Earther Kom brought home. Loving such a gentle soul isn’t a problem. Saving him from monsters, real and imagined, is another matter when Matt’s worst fears come true and the terrors of the past rise once again to drag him into the abyss.