Friday, July 26, 2019

Friday Fiver Challenge

Five clues about a Kalquorian universe character. Can you guess who this is?

1. I wasn't a big fan of humans at first, but an encounter in the woods changed my mind in a hurry.

2. Hunting for my mate in the middle of a festival is fun. Catching her is even better.

3. My Dramok is a real pain...oops, I mean he's a real prince.

4. When things go bad, you can find me drowning my sorrows.

5. I'll be more than happy to assist with another Matara's fertility foundation.

Who am I?

Thursday, July 25, 2019

TBT: Shalia's Diary

Who knows how far I would have let Dusa take me? If not for the sound of laughter breaking into our senses, I might have let him do whatever he wanted. I’d become no more than an animal in heat, ready to rut as any thoughtless beast might. Since this morning, I have decided that we are little more than primitive creatures, obeying nothing more than the instincts we are born with. Why else would I have responded so eagerly to the sexual urgings of a man I hardly know?

It was the sound of others in the distance that woke us from our would-be mating frenzy. We simultaneously broke the kiss, gasping in shock. I realized how we were outside and anyone might have stumbled upon our wild display. A vision of the Pageant Trio with their disapproving faces appeared before my mind’s eye. I thought of the two women I’d seen hanged outside the Academy.

I have lost my mind.

The moment broken and our senses restored, Dusa helped me back to Medical. He wanted to stay, to talk with me, but I couldn’t take his presence for a second more. Begging exhaustion, I sent him away. Now I’m dealing with the fallout of what happened.

I carried on carnally with a man where anybody might see me. And not just a man, an alien man. A Kalquorian, Earth’s avowed enemy. I can’t believe I let such a thing happen.

More disturbing, I can’t get over how good it felt. I ache for more. I’m not saying ‘ache’ as a metaphor. I want to kiss that man again so bad it hurts. The thought of what might have happened if we hadn’t come to our senses in time scares me, but it excites me too.

Have they been putting something in my food? Something that will make me want to join one of their clans so they can breed? Something that puts my hormones into overdrive so that the slightest clandestine touch makes me eager to be mounted by their men?

Available from Amazon, Amazon UK, Barnes & Noble, and Smashwords.  Also in print.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Friday Fiver Challenge

Five clues related to a character from the Kalquorian universe. Can you guess who this is?

1. When I first saw her, she was on her knees. Not so sure I was the answer to her prayers...but she was the answer to mine.

2. Don't be fooled by my past as a convict--I'm all about honor and duty.

3. I'd offer my beloved the moon, but she was already living on it when we met.

4. My biggest idol is Weapons Commander Lidon.

5. I'm a lover and a fighter--show me to the fighting circle! Oh wait, I gave that up for the kids.

Who am I?

Thursday, July 18, 2019

TBT: Alien Outcast

Friends in low places...

Piper stepped out of the Kalquorian craft behind the man identified as Weapons Commander Sesin. She kept close to Ob, almost plastering herself against his heavy frame. She could smell the Kalquorians’ hatred for her companion as well as she could Ob’s natural reek. She feared they would renege on their promise not to kill him until he had a fair hearing from their captain. 

At least his collar had stopped tormenting him. He snuffled as if he had a runny nose, but that was normal for Ob. And better to listen to than squeals of agony.

Her grip stayed tight, if sweaty, on the knife she’d stolen from her master’s head torturer weeks before. She remained vigilant, though her gaze luxuriated in the bright light levels of the raider’s small shuttle and fighter bay. Her skin rejoiced in the cool temperature. She damned near sighed to be free of stifling heat after years of living in the baking, dark environment the Bi’isils preferred. 

As they descended the short ramp to the bay floor, Piper darted a glance at the bearded warrior behind her. Despite his fearsome aspect, fed by many scars and two missing fingers on his left hand, Subcommander Terig seemed the most civilized of the group. And he wasn’t so bad looking, not now that she could see him closer and in better lighting. Once past the scars, he was quite attractive, in fact. Better yet, his gaze was bright with intelligence—more than the brute Sesin, who’d spent most of the time on Prince Yel’ek’s shuttle arguing to kill Ob, even if that meant teaching Piper a lesson by killing her too.

Terig had made it plain he would not allow that. A reluctant ally, since his glare at Ob told Piper he’d rather see the Tragoom dead as well.

Not after all Ob’s done for me. Not after all he’s suffered already. That her companion was a finer being than her, Piper knew without a doubt. He was probably superior to these Kalquorians, too.
She owed him. Once she told their captors what was happening, they’d realize they owed him too.